Distance sampling: Theory and applications

Fundamental concepts of estimating species density from transect surveys, for wildlife conservationists, researchers and teaching staff

  • Discover how distance sampling could enhance your wildlife monitoring or research
  • Gain a strong grasp of the theory behind distance sampling
  • Connect with conservationists working on similar projects across the globe
  • Online course: 1 week part-time from 16 September 2024

Ensuring your conservation action is based on sound science requires a wealth of technical skills. You might want to learn the fundamentals of Distance sampling because:

We know it can be overwhelming when you need to learn a new technique 😓

We’re here to help!

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About the course

Our online course Distance sampling: Theory and applications dives into the theoretical underpinning of distance sampling

You’ll find this course useful if you need to:

  • Decide whether distance sampling will help you enhance your conservation work
  • Understand and contribute to discussions amongst colleagues or collaborators who are using distance sampling
  • Gain confidence in applying monitoring methods where detection of species varies across time and space
  • Teach wildlife monitoring techniques as part of your job in university, government agencies or NGOs
  • Demonstrate your grasp of population monitoring theory and applications

Our course is ideal for you if you’re a complete beginner to distance sampling, or if you want to remind yourself how this powerful technique works, and how it can be used in conservation

Register for the course

Visit the Subscriptions page of VerdantLearn’s community to register:

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Course dates

This one-week tutored course starts on Monday 16 September 2024 and ends on Friday 20 September 2024

Study time is 3-5 hours. The timing is completely flexible - you can participate whenever it suits you during the week

Course fees and discounts

The fee for this course is 36 GBP

We offer generous discounts (up to 90% off!) to those who can’t afford the standard course fee:

  • Conservationists from low- or middle-income countries1
  • Students and currently unwaged

Everyone gets access to the same learning activities and support. If you or your organisation can afford it, paying the higher fee enables VerdantLearn to keep offering courses at affordable prices for everyone. This supports the efforts of conservationists globally, and increases the diversity of learners on our courses, so you benefit too!

To find out what discount you’re eligible for, and gain a coupon code, please complete the form on our discount enquiries page:

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A panorama of an arid landscape in the Australian bush

[The course] enabled us to see that it was something feasible that will help us with difficult things … it was [no longer] something mysterious for us

Student on GIS for wildlife conservation beginner course

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