Learning opportunities

Enhance your conservation skills

Study with VerdantLearn by signing up to one of our tutored online courses and workshops, or learn for free from our self-study materials

About our learning opportunities

Our learning experiences play to the strengths of online learning by:

  • Making access to learning more flexible, equitable and inclusive
  • Promoting active and experiential learning
  • Connecting people from different geographic and cultural communities

You study together with other conservationists, and are supported by expert tutors to apply your new knowledge and skills immediately in your work

Join our mail-list to stay informed about future courses, events and resources

Current opportunities

Open for registration or expressions of interest


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Future opportunities

Courses and events that we will be holding in the near future. Visit each page to indicate your interest!

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Self-study on-demand

Study for free, when it suits you

Past activities

A record of courses, workshops and events that we’ve held in the past, and are likely to repeat in the future

View our past courses and workshops

Teach with our materials

Our courses, workshops and events are designed for sociable online learning, but they can easily be used for self-study, or adapted for classroom teaching

Contact us if you want to use our openly-licenced materials in your own classes, or would like to hire us to teach your students or employees