Virtual event hosting and design

Put your conference or meeting online!

VerdantLearn designs engaging and inclusive online events for wildlife conservation organisations

About our virtual events

We combine our passion for connecting people with our technical know-how to offer you tailored support to set up your own virtual event, from full academic conferences to small-scale gatherings

We offer a flexible package of support, ranging from straightforward advice to running a fully-featured event on your behalf

Our assistance includes:
- Helping you to envision what a successful event looks like, so we can tailor our advice and support to your ambitions
- Discussing your needs, whether they are technical, logistical or facilitation, and making recommendations
- Creating and hosting a software ecosystem to suit the range of activities and interactions you’re after
- Bringing participants on board the online platform
- Support before, during and after your event to ensure it runs smoothly and all your participants have a great experience

Get in touch

Let’s discuss your event

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